Nutrition Services


David Semenza

978-345-3200 Ext 27431


Nancy Crowley

978-345-3200 Ext 27432


For the 2024-2025 school year, breakfast and lunch will be FREE for all students enrolled in the eight Fitchburg Public Schools:

The goal of the Fitchburg Nutrition Services department has always been to provide your children with the best possible healthy meals. Our menus are analyzed to make sure that we are in compliance with the dietary guidelines of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) and Federal USDA regulations. We work to ensure that our meals are  well-balanced and offer students all of the nutrition they need to succeed in school. 

We proudly offer locally grown items whenever seasonally available. Each week we feature deeply colored, nutrient rich produce including red/orange, dark green, and starchy vegetables, as well as a variety of legumes. Fresh and chilled fruits are served daily along with lean protein items, whole grains, and low fat or fat free milk options. Students can choose to take an entrée, 1 full cup of fruit, 1 full cup of vegetables, and milk at no cost. Students who choose to pack a lunch can supplement their meal with a full cup of fruit, a full cup of vegetables, and milk at no cost. 

Changes were made in the cafeterias during the 2016-2017 school year. The strict calorie and sodium restrictions will now prevent us from allowing students to purchase second entrees. However, students will be able to purchase a second meal (including entrée, fruits, vegetables, milk) at full price.

For questions or additional information, please feel free to contact Dave Semenza at   

If you have further questions please call the Nutrition Services Office at 978-345-3285.


South Street Early Learning CenterMargaret

Crocker Elementary SchoolFelicita
McKay Elementary SchoolNicole
Reingold Elementary SchoolRebekah Lillie
Longsjo Middle SchoolDeirdre
Memorial Middle SchoolHeidi
Fitchburg High SchoolRenee
Goodrich AcademyDeirdre


Nutrition Services is excited to announce the next step in the evolution of the Fitchburg Public Schools’ digital menu technology by upgrading to “Nutrislice.” The new web and app platforms will be live starting on Sunday, February 25.

“Nutrislice gives families of Fitchburg Schools easy access to so much information about their children in school meal options each day in an easy to use, modern way,” said Nutrition Services General Manager David Semenza. “Menu items, ingredients, allergen information, and nutritional information is a simple click or tap away.”

Nutrislice will provide Fitchburg with an enhanced user experience. Here are a few of the many features now available: 

The new menu site and app will be replacing the current menu app, SoHappy. Nutrislice offers additional functionality and features that are not currently available with SoHappy. Nutrislice is the industry leader, and the transition will provide a reliable source of information for nurses, parents, and students to manage nutritional and dietary needs.

SoHappy will remain active for a bit beyond the go-live date of February 25, allowing time for a seamless transition to Nutrislice. The current menu website, SodexoMyWay, will be updated with links to take people directly to the Nutrislice page, where the links to the menus used to be.

The Nutrislice app is available for download via the Apple Store or Google Play. 

Click an image to download the app.




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